En el siguiente ejercicio te propongo que leas la definición que aparece en la imagen e intentes adivinar la herramienta que se trata. Te propongo 5 definiciones de herramientas en inglés, y debes pensar qué herramienta es la definición.
- Tool with a long metal blade to carve wood hitting with a hammer or mallet.
- Small flat metal ring fixed between two joining surfaces or between a nut and a bolt.
- Tool, manual or powered, used for driving screws.
- Tool used to provide grip to turn objects, usually nuts and bolts.
- Device designed to bind or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly.
Haz clic en las imágenes para ver la solución y si es la herramienta que habías pensado.
Which tool is this?

Tool, manual or powered, used for driving screws

Which tool is this?

Small flat metal ring fixed between two joining surfaces or between a nut and a bolt

Which tool is this?

Tool used to provide grip to turn objects, usually nuts and bolts

Which tool is this?

Device designed to bind or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly

Which tool is this?

Tool with a long metal blade to carve wood hitting with a hammer or mallet

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